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When trying to conceive, taking care of your body and of your nutrition should always be an essential first step: consider adding some Fertility Vitamins & Supplements specifically tailored for conception to your diet to give you peace of mind. Read More
If you’re unsure where to begin with preparing to get pregnant, why not browse some of our most popular products? At InHealth, we stock a range of products from the world’s leading brands to help you on your fertility journey. For men, Proxeed - Plus 30 x 5g sachets can increase sperm count, but also the strength, health and speed of sperm to maximise chances of conception. For women, Sasmar - Conceive Plus Fertility Lubricant is an exclusive patented fertility lubricant clinically proven to enhance sperm survival, sperm motility and promote egg fertilization. And to ensure that you are both in the ideal position to start trying for a baby, check out our range of Fertility Tests for women, men and for couples.
Once you feel that you are ready trying to get pregnant, timing is key: determining your most fertile days each month is essential. Fertility Monitors & Aids will take the guesswork out of your calculations, which can be unpredictable for irregular menstrual cycles. At InHealth.ie, you’ll also find Ovulation Tests such as the Core Tests Ovulation Tests , Digital Basal Thermometers like the Digital Basal Thermometer For Fertility Charting and Fertility Monitors. To protect the integrity of the sperm on its journey to fertilization, we also stock a wide range of sperm-friendly Fertility Lubricants. And for a reliable, easy to read response when you need it, you will also find Pregnancy Tests from the world’s top brands, such as the The Core Tests Early Pregnancy Tests - 10 Pack and Clearblue Digital Pregnancy Test - 2 Tests.
Here at InHealth.ie, we are with you every step of the journey: you’ll find everything you need, and when you place your order before 2pm you’ll avail of Next Working Day Delivery from our warehouse in Wicklow!